How is Congestive Heart Failure treated?

Lifestyle changes are a very important part of managing Congestive Heart Failure.  Try the following changes a try, such as:

  • restrict your daily fluid intake to less than 2 liters a day from all sources
  • monitor your blood pressure, pulse and weight regularly at home
  • exercise in moderation
  • quit smoking
  • eat a heart-healthy diet
  • increase the fiber in your diet
  • decrease the amount of sodium you consume
  • avoid excess caffeine and alcoholic beverages
  • get lots of rest and sleep
  • protect yourself from preventable disease by getting a flu shot and the pneumococcal vaccine
  • take your medications on time as prescribed

Congestive heart failure can be managed with the following medications:

  • antihypertensives (medications to lower blood pressure)
  • diuretics (medications that help your body rid itself of excess fluids)
  • medications such as digoxin, which help the heart to beat more strongly
  • Some people with severe CHF may require surgery to put in a pacemaker or surgery to unblock clogged arteries. If you need surgery, we can work with you and your surgeon during and after recovery to follow his/her recommendations.

With proper treatment, you may find that you have more energy and feel better; however, Congestive Heart Failure is a chronic condition that requires careful monitoring for the rest of your life.  If you have already been diagnosed or think you might have CHF you should have a trusted physician to help you lead the best life possible.  Make an appointment to see us today so we can help you manage your condition.

Heart healthy activities in Mt Arlington

The borough of Mt Arlington offers plenty of activities so you can stay heart healthy.  Enjoy hiking or biking around Lake Rogerene Trails, and growing your own vegetables at the borough’s community garden.  Try a fully plant based menu at Loving Hut nearby or take a class at FTC Fitness or True Nature Yoga and Wellness Center.

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